
Download imgdrive 2.0.2
Download imgdrive 2.0.2

download imgdrive 2.0.2

ImgDrive 2.x supports Windows 7/10/11 (Windows 7 had installed the SHA-2 update support patches). Send the translation file to If you would like to participate in the official translation of ImgDrive, please register for a GitHub account and send the account name to and we will set you up as collaborator so that you can edit the language file directly online on GitHub. ImgDrive is a lightweight virtual CD/DVD/Blu-ray drive that enables to emulate up all popular image types of CD, DVD and Blu-ray Discs to drives.Copy the new language file to %ProgramFiles%\ImgDrive\language, restart ImgDrive, and then you can change the language in the software settings. Opis ImgDrive 2.0.2 ImgDrive to niewielkie narzdzie do emulacji wirtualnych napdów CD, DVD, HD-DVD oraz Blu-ray.ini, the Language code can be found in LCID - Locale identifier below. Download ImgDrive_ENU.ini, rename to ImgDrive_.Steven Rogers (Spanish up to 1.9.6), How to contribute Thanks to the following people for maintaining translations in the past: 🍏 Up to date 🍊 Not up to date 🍎 Too old

download imgdrive 2.0.2

We need new translators for Finnish, if you want to participate, please contact Language

Download imgdrive 2.0.2